Saturday, November 17, 2012


Do you ever get really excited to see a package show up in the mail? Well I do! Yesterday the mailman brought me this little delight.
Encaustic Wax! Yeah!!! I get my encaustic wax from an artist in Savannah that makes her own. I really do not have a safe place to make my own and it is just not something I am willing to try to tackle yet. I make a wide request to her telling her what I am working on and never know what will come in the box. Which makes it a little more of a surprise when I open to see the colors that arrive!
I made this little quilt recently for my nieces 3rd birthday! Now to get this little gift in the mail. Although I hate to not get to see her reaction when she opens it, I hope she will like the surprise of getting something in the mail. It is an I-spy quilt for her dolls.


  1. Aw, that quilt is adorable! I bet your niece will love it! I LOVE getting packages in the mail.
    I hope you'll post whatever loveliness you create with those beautiful encaustics. Love the colors!
