Saturday, December 29, 2012

Encaustic and Fiber

Today I went thrift shopping looking for items to use in a sculpture. I ended up coming home and starting a new fiber piece. This is a mix of paper, encaustic, burlap and gauze. I am having issues with balance in the work and am unsure what I will do next. I had a sketch but as I work I have gotten very off from what I sketched. I also now see an eagle in flight and that is distracting my progress. So it will rest and I will work on something else. I have a few more days till I must have something ready to show.


  1. I do see the eagle, but the coloring is wonderful and I'm very interested in your process.

    1. Thanks for your comments. I have all these fiber books on stitching and then a few encaustic books I have been flipping through them. The strips of paper I found in my stash tonight- I had them plaited? I took them apart to use here- they are a mixture of old tea bags, handmade papers, and magazine papers that I stitched on and cut into strips. I have a fascination with gauze and love putting it in the encaustic. I like the texture of burlap and tend to do abstract shapes for competition as many others do realism better than I. I like to take photos as I progress then sit around and turn them crop them etc to try to find what is missing. I hope to post more pictures when done.
